Team Principality of Liechtenstein
Team Liechtenstein is ready for Saõ Paulo!
The team Liechtenstein is represented by nine competitors at the WorldSkills in Saõ Paulo. This has been the largest team since 1991 in Amsterdam.
Here you can find all the profiles of our competitors and other useful infor-mation about the WorldSkills Liechtenstein and the competition in Saõ Paulo.
Member Organization
WorldSkills Liechtenstein became a member of WorldSkills International in 1968. The Agency of International Education Affairs (AIBA) is the official repre-sentative of WorldSkills Liechtenstein Office. The success story of WorldSkills Liechtenstein started with the initial participation of the competition in Bern 1968. Since then 180 young professionals in Liechtenstein have taken the change to participate in WorldSkills.
WorldSkills Liechtenstein fosters the dual vocational training within the interna-tional context. Furthermore, WorldSkills Liechtenstein is responsible for coach-ing, the CVET training in relation to the competition and is sending the team to the international WorldSkills competition. Thereby WorldSkills Liechtenstein cooperates closely with the Ministry of Education, the chamber of commerce, the chamber of trade and directly with further stakeholders in the field of voca-tional training. Finally, WorldSkills Liechtenstein is in charge for all public rela-tions activities.

Team Leader Contact
Giorgio Di Benedetto
Press Contact
Stefan Sohler
Official Delegate
22 August 2015
Reception of the WorldSkills Team Liechtenstein
Place: Triesenberg
Time: 14:00
Lukas Beck
Plastering and Drywall Systems
Fabian Britt
Automobile Technology
Michael Bühler
Electrical Installations
Macri Francesco
Mechanical Engineering Design - CAD
Jonathan Linder
IT Network Systems Administration
Armin Muhamedagic
Graphic Design Technology
Alessio Ospelt
CNC Milling
Christoph Sele
Luca Vogt
Wall and Floor Tiling
Skills with Competitors
- Plastering and Drywall Systems
- Automobile Technology
- Electrical Installations
- Mechanical Engineering Design - CAD
- IT Network Systems Administration
- Graphic Design Technology
- CNC Milling
- Bricklaying
- Wall and Floor Tiling