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Martin Entholzer

  • Age: 22 years

Competitor in Skill: Bricklaying
Country: Austria

How did you get interested in your skill?
Because my father was my role model, he was always able to do all housework things, like bricklaying by himself.

Where did you do your training for your skill?
I trained my skill at master-builder Humer in Peuerbach, Upper Austria.

How did you first find out about your Member organization and its programs?
I got my first contact with this Member organization because I won the masterchip of Austria Skills.

Who influenced you to pursue your skill as a career?
It was not a person at all, it was more the ability that I was able to make my profession nearly perfect, and that from the beginning.

What is your experience in participating with your Member organization?
I don´t know, because it´s my first participating.

Describe your most memorable moment so far with WorldSkills?
My most memorable moment was the team-building weekend in Linz in April.

Did participating in the skills competitions and training for WorldSkills help you progress in your skill? Please describe.
For sure the training for all these competitions helped me a lot, especially in working more exactly and quickly.

What do you currently do? Where do you work?
I currently work at master-builder Humer in Peuerbach, and I am still work as bricklayer.

What are your future career aspirations?
Health and fun at work.