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Abeer Al Ali

Competitor in Skill: Graphic Design Technology
Country: United Arab Emirates

How did you get interested in your skill?
Since I was a kid I loved drawing and designing. And what made me interested in graphic design is
my sister. I’ve seen and loved what she was doing as a graphic designer so I decided that I’m
going to be a graphic designer too.

Where did you do your training for your skill?
Ms Susan de Guzman in Sharjah Higher College of Technology trained me.

How did you first find out about your Member organization and its programs?
I found out about it from my teacher.

Who influenced you to pursue your skill as a career?
Many people influenced me my parents, siblings, friends and teachers.

What is your experience in participating with your Member organization?
I participated in Emirates Skills 2014.

Did participating in the skills competitions and training for WorldSkills help you progress in
your skill? Please describe.
Yes it did, thanks to the skills competitions and training now I can manage my time properly. My
skills as a graphic designer have developed a lot. Some stuff was hard for me in the beginning but
now it is much easier. And I’ve learned a lot of new things related to graphic design.

What do you currently do? Where do you work?
I’m a student in Sharjah Higher Colleges of Technology.

What are your future career aspirations?
I’m looking forward to be professional in my career and reach a higher level. I want to obtain a
position that will develop my skills and knowledge in graphic design. And someday I hope to be a
great graphic designer that is known all over the world.