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Anni Paakkinen

Competitor in Skill: Jewellery
Country: Finland

How did you get interested in your skill
I wanted to make something with my hands. And think that I can be good at it.

Where did you do your training for your skill
I try to make exercises almost every day in school. Also try to do sports little bit more than before the competition.

How did you first find out about your Member organization and its programs?
My teacher from first school asked if i wanted to try to get in the skills coaching. WSC I picked up first time from my coach Arto Tikkunen.

Who influenced you to pursue your skill as a career?
My parent encouraged me to study Jewellery.

Describe your most memorable moment so far with WorldSkills?
First camp with teamfinland.

Describe what your experience has been since your involvement with WorldSkills.
Training is stressful. In beginning I wanted to be good in my skill. Now I am training to win my self in competition.

Did participating in the skills competitions and training for WorldSkills help you progress in your skill? Please describe.
I wanted to be quicker and better in soldering.

What do you currently do? Where do you work?
I have studied first jewellery and silversmithing. Now I started to study engraving

What are your future career aspirations?
I hope I can get an excellent job after my studies and I wanted to be very good on it.