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Thorbjørn Stryger

Competitor in Skill: Carpentry
Country: Denmark

How did you get interested in your skill?
I was at the VET basic course and we had two weeks of skills competitions and after that I was completely into carpentry. I found it very challenging and exciting.

Where did you do your training for your skill?
All apprentices in Denmark train in a company, and so do I. But for WorldSkills we have created a special room just for me, where I can train.

How did you first find out about your Member organization and its programs?
When I went to the national competition.

Who influenced you to pursue your skill as a career?
My teacher could see that I had a special talent and he encouraged me.

What is your experience in participating with your Member organization?
A lot is being done for us to get to know each other before we go, and I think the two teambuildings have been great.

Describe your most memorable moment so far with WorldSkills?
The last hour at the national competition everything just came together for me, even if I was really pressed for time. It was a wonderful feeling!

Describe what your experience has been since your involvement with WorldSkills
I have gained a lot of experience with the tools and the different techniques because I have trained so much. And I have received a lot of recognition from old carpenters who really know the skills, and that is boosting my self confidence.
And then it is funny to become a little famous in my local area because of all the newspaper articles about me and the competition.

Did participating in the skills competitions and training for WorldSkills help you progress in your skill? Please describe.
It has helped me a lot in my daily job, because I have become so much more experienced. Now I can easier see the end product and how to get there.

What do you currently do? Where do you work?
I am a carpenter apprentice and working for GFK-Houses in Sakskøbing.

What are your future career aspirations?
I am thinking about further education in building construction, but first I want to finish my apprenticeship and have a normal job as a carpenter for a while.