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Jeisson Rios Ángel

Competitor in Skill: Plastering and Drywall Systems
Country: Colombia

mi nombre es jeisson rios angel soy un hombre Responsable, Diciplinado y Seguro
my name is angel rios jeisson am a responsible ma,diciplinado  and insurance


1.    Cómo se interesó en su habilidad?

I got interested in this skill because I like to build new things and innovate. I want to be the best engineer and have a well-recognized company of building and finishing touch, working more on the finished buildings. Due to these reasons, I started studying Technician in building with light materials at SENA.



2.    Dónde realizó el entrenamiento para su habilidad?

I trained in Dosquebradas, a little town in Risaralda – Colombia. Specifically I trained at the center of Technological and Industrial Design and Innovation (SENA), where I studied to become a technician in building with light materials.


3.    Cómo se enteró por primera vez sobre su organización miembro y sus programas de formación?

My father studied Industrial Mechanics and although I was studying in an university, one day I took a look at the programs SENA offered and I noticed that it has the program “Technical in Building with light material” and I registered in it. SENA gave me the date to take some tests (I approved those tests) and I was accepted.


4.    Quién lo animó a seguir su habilidad como carrera?

My parents have been my greatest support; my father always encourages me because he knows what I am able to do and he knows my goals, goals that I am going to fulfill. One of my goals was to start studying “building with light materials” and here I am doing it!.


5.    Cuál es su experiencia como participante con su organización miembro?

These are the different roles and competitions I have been part of:

Regional Competitor (SENA)

National Competitor (SENA)

Preliminary round Worldskills Americas Competitor (SENA)

Rehearsal CAMACOL Competitor (SENA)

Preliminary round Worldskills Sao Paulo Competitor (SENA)

Worldskills Sao Paulo 2015 Competitor (SENA)


6.    Describa su más memorable momento con relación a WorldSkills?

The most memorable momento I have, was when SENA mentioned my name as the representative of Colombia for the WorldSkills Sao Paulo Competition because day by day I just want to improve as a person and as a professional. I trained really hard for the preliminary round and I feel that all that training, dedication, discipline, responsibility and champion mentality is reflected in my victory, which I assumed with humbleness.


7.    Describa cómo ha sido su experiencia desde que se involucró en WorldSkills

This experience has been unforgettable because it makes you grow, it gives you a lot of knowledge; technically and mentally I feel very strong.



8.    La participación en competencias de habilidades y en el entrenamiento para WorldSkills le ayudaron a progresar en su habilidad? Por favor explique

All the competitions helped me a lot because they gave me confidence, discipline, responsibility and conviction. Mentally I am a stronger man right now due to all the experience the competition has given me.


9.    Que hace actualmente?  Donde trabaja?

Right now I am studying and working at SENA and I am preparing myself to be a strong competitor in Worldskills, the worldwide skill competition!. (I am going to win the gold medal!).


10.  Cuáles son sus aspiraciones futuras para su carrera?

I want to finish my technical career at SENA and be an instructor in the future. I want to be the best civil engineer, I want to innovate and have my own company of building and finishing touches.