Cristian David Hernández Sánchez
Competitor in Skill: Bricklaying
Country: Colombia
1. Cómo se interesó en su habilidad?
I have always liked building. When I noticed that in the competitions there were skills related to building, I did a little research about it and I really liked the bricklaying due to the designs and the complexity and skill you need to have.
2. Dónde realizó el entrenamiento para su habilidad?
I trained at SENA-Tolima, in the Industry and the Construction center in Ibague, the music capital city of Tolima and Colombia.
3. Cómo se enteró por primera vez sobre su organización miembro y sus programas de formación?
SENA is one of the most recognized institutions in Colombia, so everyone knows about it. Also I searched for information about SENA on the internet and I found out that the registration process for the Technologist program in constructions were available so I registered myself in.
4. Quién lo animó a seguir su habilidad como carrera?
My family has always supported me and they are still doing it, more with this process.
5. Cuál es su experiencia como participante con su organización miembro?
These kind of competitions has given me a lot of experience. They have taught me how to be a better person, how to work under pressure and how to handle crisis times. The knowledge I now have, has increased with every competition; in each one, I have learned new things that help me in my life and in my work.
6. Describa su más memorable momento con relación a WorldSkills?
The most memorable moment in worldskills was in the award ceremony where I won the gold medal in the skill of bricklaying.
7. Describa cómo ha sido su experiencia desde que se involucró en WorldSkills
I have won more experience with every competition and also my confidence and skills are better than before since I have been in this process.
8. La participación en competencias de habilidades y en el entrenamiento para WorldSkills le ayudaron a progresar en su habilidad? Por favor explique
Of course; I learn new things with every mistake that I make and that way I don´t continue having the same problems. I also have learned a lot from the other competitors of the same skill; all this new knowledge helps me to improve my skills.
9. Qué hace actualmente? Dónde trabaja?
Nowadays I train and work at SENA.
10. Cuáles son sus aspiraciones futuras para su carrera?
I want to study Civil Engineering so I can have better job opportunities.