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Daniel Valencia Giraldo

  • Age: 21 years

Competitor in Skill: Wall and Floor Tiling
Country: Colombia


1.    Cómo se interesó en su habilidad?

I like the construction field since I was younger; once, someone told me about a competition related to the construction field and I really got excited about it because that way I could see how good I was working under pressure and measure my skill.


2.    Dónde realizó el entrenamiento para su habilidad?

I trained at SENA – Regional Caldas in Popayan.


3.    Cómo se enteró por primera vez sobre su organización miembro y sus programas de formación?

One aunt worked at SENA and that way I Heard about the institution. She told me about the Construction program.


4.    Quien lo animó a seguir su habilidad como carrera?

My family and teachers always encouraged me to continue working with my skill.


5.    Cual es su experiencia como participante con su organización miembro?

I represent the department of Cauca in the national competition in 2013 in Bogota; I was the champion!. In 2014 I represent Colombia in Worldskills America; I won the gold medal.

6.    Describa su más memorable momento con relación a WorldSkills?

The moment I remember the most was when I won the gold medal as the Colombian representative in the continental competition.

7.    Describa cómo ha sido su experiencia desde que se involucró en WorldSkills

This experience has been great!; I have traveled to different places in Colombia and this way I have seen different cultures. It is very comfortable to know that I am the best all-around Colombia in my skill.


8.    La participación en competencias de habilidades y en el entrenamiento para WorldSkills le ayudaron a progresar en su habilidad? Por favor explique

I have improved my techniques for work because I have competed with great opponents in the same skill; this has helped me to have better results.


9.    Que hace actualmente?  Donde trabaja?

Nowadays I train for Worldskills International in Sao Paulo 2015 and I also work for SENA, Regional Cauca.


10.  Cuáles son sus aspiraciones futuras para su carrera?

I hope to do a great job in the worldskills competition and be part of the expert team for the future competitions.