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Diego Alexander Valencia Orozco

Competitor in Skill: CNC Milling
Country: Colombia


1.    How did you get interested in your skill?

Since I was in High School I was interested in the subject of machine tools. Then, I came across the CNC machine tools at SENA where I also knew about WorldSkills.

2.    Where did you do your training for your skill?

I had my training at the CTMA at SENA in Medellin, Colombia.


3.    How did you first find out about your Member organization and its programs?

I knew about SENA because it is a very well-known organization nationwide and worldwide.

4.    Who influenced you to pursue your skill as a career?

I was really motivated by my teachers who have been supporting me in the process and my relatives.


5.    What is your experience in participating with your Member organization?

My experiences have only been national: National Qualifiers in November 2013, Americas Qualifiers in February 2014 and International Qualifiers in April 2015.




6.    Describe your most memorable moment so far with WorldSkills?

One my most memorable moment was when I was announced as a winner of the Second position in the National Competition for the CNC Milling skill in November in 2013. But when I was announced as the official competitor in April 2015 for the International Competition it was the most memorable moment without a doubt.

7.    Describe what your experience has been since your involvement with WorldSkills

The experience has been incredible since the personal and professional growth has been huge and to be a WorldSkills participant is very rewarding.  

8.    Did participating in the skills competitions and training for WorldSkills help you progress in your skill? Please describe.

Yes, because in the training process we learn to analyse the methods of work and to know what failures may appear to correct them and not repeat them. In few words, to make yourself perfect in all the processes and to avoid mistakes.

9.    What do you currently do?  Where do you work?

I am an apprentice at SENA.


10.  What are your future career aspirations?

My expectation is to start an undergraduate degree at the university. I’d like to study mechanical engineering and thus, improve my professional skills.