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Jiacai Zeng

Competitor in Skill: Construction Metal Work
Country: China

How did you first find out about your Member organization and its programs?如何了解到的 贵成员国组织和比赛项目?

Who influenced you to pursue your skill as a career?将此技能列入职业生涯规划时,谁对你起到 了影响?
答:我的老师 刘定律、专家组长 马德志。

What is your experience in participating with your Member organization?你是如何加入所在成 员国组织?

Describe your most memorable moment so far with WorldSkills?请描述世界技能大赛迄今为止 最让你记忆深刻的时刻。

Describe what your experience has been since your involvement with WorldSkills 请描述个人 与世界技能大赛有关的经历。

Did participating in the skills competitions and training for WorldSkills help you progress in your skill? Please describe.参加技能大赛和培训是否有助于你的个人技能发展?请描述说明。

答:对我个人的技能非常有利,在这里学的东西在学校和工作单位中是学不到的,所以对我以后的发展 是很有帮助的。

What do you currently do? Where do you work?目前在从事什么工作?工作地点? 答:在十九冶集团从事钢结构制作。